’94-’97 & ’06-’09 Dodge Ram Driver’s Side Seat Cushion

Geno's Garage '94-'97 & "06-'09 Dodge RamSeat Cushion

Several months ago we introduced a driver’s side seat cushion for the ’98-’02 Dodge Ram trucks. Because of the Quad Cab/suicide rear door design of the truck,this cushion was infamous for its “left side lean.” Mopar had discontinued their expensive cushion ($200) and the only option we had to help our customers was to develop a seat mould and sell seats. We are pleased that our ’98-’02 cushion is priced at $125, a big savings to you over the Mopar part. With the availability of the ’98-’02 cushion, we had…

’94-’02 Dodge Ram HVAC Service

Dodge Ram dash strapped up and out of the way.

I’ve been putting off replacing the heater core in Red Ryder (a ’98 Dodge Turbo Diesel) for a lot longer than I should have. I’ve been keeping a car blanket in the cab during the winter for a few years now. It generally takes about 30 miles at highway speed to bring the cab to a comfortable temperature when the outside ambient temperature is in the low-40s. I hadn’t observed coolant leaking in the cab…yet. On the return trip from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in January this year there were some…

’98-’02 Dodge Ram Replacement Dashboard

In Issue 90 of the Turbo Diesel Register magazine, the folks at Geno’s Garage had a press release talking about the development of a ’98-’02 Dodge Ram replacement dashboard. The short version of that story is that they cut the front structure from a wrecked vehicle and had the tooling made to injection-mold a replacement dash. It has been a long process to bring this product to the market, but the replacement dashboards are now in stock for immediate shipment. Call now—operators are standing by. Seriously, this is a full…

’98-’02 Dodge Ram Dash Installation

Dodge Ram dash installation

Originally published in TDR Issue 82. November 2014 REPLACING YOUR CRACKED ’98-’02 DODGE RAM DASHBOARD by Brent Boxall All you have to do is Google “Dodge Ram cracked dash” and you can get as many pages of results as you want. I’m thinking that unless you leave the truck parked in a cave the Second Generation Ram dash is going to crack and/or break. There are three solutions to solve this problem: First, purchase a fabric mat to cover the unsightly problem. Second, purchase a plastic dash cover which comes…